
Good morning, AA, very busy day/ week for me .

Before that just want to share that yours has been one of those life changing courses I have attended. I can count 3 such courses in my lifetime.

One that changed the spiritual trajectory of my life, another that give me the foundational building blocks to a healthy physical and emotional lifestyle and now yours- one that helps build the foundational blocks for living a healthy financial lifestyle and to be a master of money rather than a slave to it. It is going to require discipline and tough choices but the application of what you have taught is so necessary for restoring health in this area of our lives.

Thank you so much for your transparent sharing and for how you genuinely pour your knowledge into our lives because you want us also too to become healthy and to reach the potential that is within us. I have been very successful as an academic and an educator but never really saw the way I made decisions and related to money was not healthy and definitely below optimum . As such, Iā€™m not financially where I should be and definitely need to change. Your course has given me the handles and your commitment to help us, the assurance of a guide/coach to help us reach our potential.

Heartfelt gratitude , AA . šŸ™šŸ½